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Name: Nat & Pearl Hucul
In memory of: Bill Reis
Message: Hi Philomena,
We were planning on stopping in to give our respects, but then we realized we may interrupt the service if we didn't stay.
Please know that we send our deepest condolences and are with you in spirit during the event.
Bill was a respected, well loved, gentle soul. He is missed.
We are sure you will be surrounded by many dear friends and family. If not for the possibility of COVID, we would be with you all.
Big hugs.
Nat & Pearl
Name: Lynn, Mike, Joyce Taylor
In memory of: William Reis
Message: I am sending my condolences to Aunt Phyllis and the rest of the family too. It is very sad to lose someone so wonderful who is a big part of your lives. I have shared the news about Bill with my brother and my sister and their thoughts are with you all too. We are grateful to have known him.
Name: Bob Jackson
In memory of: Bill Reis
Message: I had the pleasure and honour of working on Bill's shift at Belleville for a number of years after he came to the Detachment in '73, I believe it was. Bill was a great leader, and a good friend, and immensely enjoyable to be around socially. My deepest condolences to Bill's family - he will be sorely missed
Name: Kelly Delaney
In memory of: William Reis
Message: To Mr. Reis' family and friends, please accept my sincerest condolences. My late father, Wayne Delaney, thought very highly of 'Bill'. He must have been a very good soul. May he rest easy now.

Kelly Delaney
Name: Lisa Shunock
In memory of: Bill Reis
Message: I will always remember your dad as a gentle giant. He was a great man. We are thinking of all of you. xo Lisa and Joe Shunock